The Alberta Buddhist Vihara Association (ABVA) was founded in 1983 to serve the pressing needs of services related to mindfulness, meditation and life-quality enhancement of the Greater Edmonton and surrounding communities at the time. In 1994, the organization acquired the Registered Charitable Association status from the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency. In 2006, the ABVA purchased a building in the North Millbourne community to serve as the premises for the organization and Samatha Vipassana Meditation Centre (SVMC) was established. In 2014, the organization was relocated to a spacious two-storey building in the Ridgewood community in Edmonton. Due to the substantial growth of programs provided to the community, the organization was moved to the 72 acres of tranquil property at 26302 Township Road 514, Spruce Grove from November 6th, 2018. In 2018, SVMC was renamed as the AIM Centre.
Former Significant Figures
Venerable Thalgaswewe Seelananda (2006 - year?)
Venerable Chandananda (year range?)
Venerable Makola Nanda (year range?)
Resident Monks
Venerable Galkulame Medankara
Venerable Dr. Gangodawila Chandima
Venerable Dr. Havanpola Rathanasara
Venerable Madawela Punnaji
Venerable Madawala Seelawimala
Venerable Henepola Gunaratana
Venerable Dedunupitiye Upananda