
Your generosity is the only source of funding available to support the meditation centre and its programs. Please help us continue these services to you, your children and the community. You may donate in any of the following ways. All donations and sponsorships are income tax deductible. Official tax receipts will be provided. 

E-Transfer Donations

You may donate by sending e-transfers to

Please provide your full name, email address and a specific expense you would like to sponsor (if any) in the description of the e-transfer so that we can account and utilize your donation accordingly. 

If your donation should be utilized towards almsgiving (dana) on a specific date, please include "Dana - <date>" in addition to your name and email in the description of the e-transfer, where <date> stands for your dana date. Unless you are in the regular dana roster, this date should be pre-reserved by contacting the Dana Coordinator, Pushpa Liyanage (780-430-6302).

Monthly Pre-authorized Debit (PAD) Donation Plan

This is the most effective way to provide your support in any amount that would fit into your budget. To enroll, please complete the PAD SIGN-UP Form and attach a void cheque or a pre-authorized payment information page obtained from your bank. Please email the completed form to


Update Your PAD Plan

If you are already making monthly pre-authorized donations and would like to update your monthly donation, please complete the PAD ADJUSTMENT Form and email it to


Donate with PayPal  

To donate with PayPal, please use this direct PayPal Link and you will be redirected to the secure PayPal donation form. Thank you.

Become a Sponsor  

You can sponsor special events. Your sponsorships will be carefully utilized to cover the costs of hall rentals, transportation of monks, honorariums, and other expenses of the event, as per your preference. Sponsorship opportunities are available for: 

To sponsor an event, please call us at 780-641-9795 or email us at